Plot: Thirty years after defeating the Galactic Empire, Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and his allies face a new threat from...
Plot: A young boy in private school spends one crazy night out, but soon realizes the woman he hooked up with...
Plot: A teenager who accidentally committed matricide finds himself being hunted together with his girlfriend and mates by his now crazed...
Plot: Sylvia, an industrial scientist, is troubled by strange hallucinations related to the tragic suicide of her mother. Review: Seemingly from one...
Plot:Â Two 12 year olds, the products of Upper West Side broken homes, struggle to make sense of their parents lives...
A worthy score to a story that deserved to be told a little bit differently.
Plot: HELL OF THE LIVING DEAD: An accident at a chemical plant unleashes a horrific virus, and an elite SWAT team...
Plot: Norman takes over the work of a dead colleague, Mr. Petersen, of his. Mr. Petersen killed himself while he was...
The Last American Virgin is perhaps the titan of teen sex films from the 1980’s. It resounds and resonates, even to this day, and it has a killer pop soundtrack to boot.
Plot: Welcome to Monsterland! A terrifying place where savage beasts, carnivorous creatures, and grotesque abominations are the new normal, and...