Plot: A team of ambitious and cutting edge med school students experiment with “flatlining” themselves to experience the afterlife …...
Plot:Â A young girl is brutally murdered somewhere in France. Sometime later, the same thing happens to the daughter of a...
Plot: A wife of a cheating husband hires a stripper to seduce her husband, requiring that the woman tell her...
Plot: A minister’s wife is bitten by a vampire, leading to some very serious complications in their marriage. Review:...
Plot: A group of kids in a secret “midnight” society become cursed by an evil Shadowman apparition, and must find...
Plot: A woman finds herself facing off against a masked man every night, and even though she seemingly kills him...
Plot: An adopted man realizes that he’s the long-lost heir to a dukedom in England. Review: In the 1960’s,...
Plot: A group of scientists investigate a deadly new alien virus before it can spread. Review: A satellite from space crashes...
Plot: The true story of a vaudeville performer who became one of the greatest – and very first – horror...
Plot: Kellog’s executive Bob Cabana (Jerry Seinfeld) spins a yarn about how the Pop-Tart came to be invented. Review: In...