Filmmaker Richard LeMay (Dementia 13) returns with his most ambitious project to date, a drama in which “everyone is tormented...
Before Spider-Man came home to Marvel and prior to him making lovey-dovey eyes at Emma Stone’s Gwen Stacy, Spider-Man’s story...
Terror Tales “sports a bevy of iconic horror actors…. It really is, in a sense an Expendables of horror kind...
A spooked detective is the only hope for the end of days in the spine-chilling The Demonologist, premiering On Demand...
Mary Poppins Returns is an absolute delight which captures the magic of the original but still has enough to appeal to modern audiences.
Summer of 84 is a nice throwback flick, with a terrific performance by the lead character, lots of 80’s reference, some nice suspense and a memorable ending.
Vice is a hugely entertaining piece of satire with Bale proving he is one of the greatest talents working in Hollywood today.
CAPTAIN MARVEL MARVEL Release Date: March 7, 2019 Cast: Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Djimon Hounsou, Lee...
Plot: When the Kingpin in Miles Morales’ reality uses a particle accelerator to bring back his dead wife and son,...
Filmmaker Johan Bodell talks about the differences between working on a short film and working on a feature, as his...