Plot: Charles Boone (Adrien Brody) returns to his ancestral home with his three children and soon encounters vampires looking for...
Plot: Humans fight for survival against a parasitic infection that turns human beings into blood-sucking vampires. Review: I haven’t read...
Plot: Manhattan attorney’s office has their bureau chief A.D.A. Kibre (Bebe Neuwirth, Frasier) interview witnesses and work against the clock...
Plot: Cursed Films is a five part documentary series which explores the myths and legends behind some of Hollywood’s notoriously...
Plot: In an alternative version of 1969, the Soviet Union beats the United States to the Moon, and the space...
Plot: Blends the style of classic sitcoms with the MCU, in which Wanda Maximoff and Vision – two super-powered beings...
Plot: Chronicling the events that took place between Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002) and Star...
Plot: An American astronaut struggles with leaving her husband and daughter behind to embark on a dangerous mission with an...
Plot: Dr. J. Allen Hynek is a brilliant but underappreciated college professor who is recruited by the U.S. Air Force...
Plot: A prequel to the mini-series “Rose Red” sees the Rimbauers move into their newly constructed mansion, where all sorts...