Plot: Time travelers from a post-apocalyptic future try to stop a plague from happening. Review: A plague sweeps across...
Plot: An American astronaut struggles with leaving her husband and daughter behind to embark on a dangerous mission with an...
Plot: A year into the zombie apocalypse we jump into an underground bunker where four zany survivors are hiding from...
Plot: Charles Boone (Adrien Brody) returns to his ancestral home with his three children and soon encounters vampires looking for...
Plot: Cursed Films is a five part documentary series which explores the myths and legends behind some of Hollywood’s notoriously...
Plot: Ash has spent the last thirty years avoiding responsibility, maturity, and the terrors of the Evil Dead until a...
Plot: Writer Mike Noonan (Pierce Brosnan) goes to his lake house to investigate his deceased wife’s activities but finds more...
Review: Over the course of eight full seasons (and a slew of spin-off mystery novels written by “Richard Castle”), ABC’s murder...
Plot: Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence are at another crossroads in life as they each confront their past and present...
I enjoy and appreciate The Walking Dead, but I really dig this show much more.