Plot: “Pi” Patel embarks on the adventure of a lifetime when he is stranded in the middle of the Pacific...
JoinedMarch 16, 2018
From Beta to Blu-Ray, I've been a life-long movie watcher and fan. I'll give you an honest opinion and I don't get too caught up in the exterior nonsense that seems to fill the internet these days.
Plot: A group of ninjas are deployed to investigate a mysterious fireball that plunged to Earth, not realizing that inside...
Plot: Lt. Colonel Nat Serling (Denzel Washington) is tasked with investigating the posthumous nomination of Captain Karen Walden (Meg Ryan)...
Plot: 4 Nazi judges are put on trial by an American tribunal to answer for their actions during World War...
Plot: Hynkel, the dictator of the fictional country Tomainia (Charlie Chaplin), endeavours to surprise the Jewish people in his country,...
Plot: When a sex game goes awry, Jesse Burlingame (Carla Gugino) finds herself handcuffed to a bed while her dead...
Plot: A down-on-his-luck tramp becomes an accidental star at a local circus and falls in love with the owner’s daughter....
Plot: A rare books dealer (Johnny Depp) embarks on a quest to verify if three books supposedly co-written by Satan...
Plot: A Prospector (Chaplin) and his friend Big Jim (Mack Swain) brave harsh weather, food shortages and a murderous criminal...
Plot: Five mutants find themselves trapped in an abandoned hospital with a doctor working for a mysterious employer. Review: The...