The highly anticipated sci-fi horror comedy Alien Party Crashers (fka âCanaries’)Â is available on VOD and DVD this March from...
Plot: Quentin Tarantino’s ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD visits 1969 Los Angeles, where everything is changing, as TV star...
Filmmaker Rebecca Matthews talks about her April release, horror film PET GRAVEYARD. How did you get started in the...
This movie will be an acquired taste, but as a “lost” relic of both the 70s and an early example of the budding career of Bill Paxton, the historical and cultural significance of the film cannot be readily ignored.
Plot: Based on the 1998 book `The Surgeon of Crowthorne’ by Simon Winchester, the life of Professor James Murray is...
Actress Tracey Birdsall has won Actress of the Year of Women in Film at the Women in Film Forum, presented...
The new full trailer has been unleashed for Season 3 of Stranger Things; still no details on an official synopsis...
The curse is lifted. The demon is here. The latest instalment in the terrifying American Poltergeist series spooks up DVD this winter....
Gloria Bell relies heavily on Moore’s performance—however, it was not enough to fully resonate emotionally.
Long-awaited Horror fantasy Flay, from director Eric Pham, will be released April 2 from Phame Factory. Flay hails from a...