After losing her parents in a car accident, Elle (Joslyn Y. Hall of Atlanta), a career-driven investment banker has given up...
When 13-year-old Kamala Harris and her younger sister organized a protest against restrictions on children playing in their apartment courtyard,...
Finding true love isn’t easy, and the pandemic has made it even harder! When Vanessa (Jodie Sweetin) and Brandon (David...
CLIMATE DOCUMENTARY “NECESSITY” RELEASED THIS MAY! Two-Part Documentary Release Sets Digital Debut for North American DVD and VOD Platforms on...
10/31 Part 3 is the third installment of the critically acclaimed Halloween horror anthology films produced by Rocky Gray. ABOUT...
From a traumatic childhood to the redemptive role of faith, discover the rags-to-riches rise of Tyler Perry, one of America’s...
As if 2020 has not been a bad enough year already, it is being reported that a modern-day reboot of...
Starring international action star Alexander Nevsky (SHOWDOWN IN MANILA) MAXIMUM IMPACT won “Best Action Film of the Year” Award at the 14th annual Action on Film International Festival...
$3,500-Budget Award-Winning Action-Comedy Sets Digital Debut for North American VOD Platforms on September 13, 2022 Freestyle Digital Media, the digital...
From writer, producer, and director Robert McGinley comes the restoration of his award winning 1999 cult classic film, JIMMY ZIP....