Plot: A couple (Judy Holliday and Jack Lemmon) divorce, only to find what a struggle it is to find their...
JoinedMarch 16, 2018
From Beta to Blu-Ray, I've been a life-long movie watcher and fan. I'll give you an honest opinion and I don't get too caught up in the exterior nonsense that seems to fill the internet these days.
Plot: After Dracula is brought back to life by one of his disciples, he seeks revenge on the three men...
Halloween night is the perfect time to talk about the Haddonfield Hacker, the White Mask of Death, the being his...
Undertaker Jebediah Morningside wanted to find out out what happened on the other side of the veil. Little would he...
Plot: Hitler Youth Johannes Betzler (Roman Griffin Davis) finds his world turned upside down when he discovers his mother (Scarlett...
Plot: After a fashion student rents a room from a kindly old lady in London’s Soho section, she begins to...
Plot: Charles Boone (Adrien Brody) returns to his ancestral home with his three children and soon encounters vampires looking for...
Ch ch ch, ah ah ah. For a generation of young filmgoers, those six whispery syllables only meant one thing...
In the world of horror, much of the population is of the mute and otherworldly. You have your Creature from...
Plot: William Wallace (Mel Gibson) leads a group of proud Scottish fighters to rise up and oppose the tyrannical rule...