Plot: Following the global success of “Godzilla” and “Kong: Skull Island” comes the next chapter in Warner Bros. Pictures’ and...
Matthias Et Maxime will make its world premiere in competition at Cannes, marking a homecoming for Dolan who was last...
Plot: This is the story of one of the X-Men’s most beloved characters, Jean Grey, as she evolves into the...
Could this redeem the Star Wars Brand? I think it just might; today we have the first teaser for the...
Plot: From Disney Live Action, director Jon Favreau’s all-new -The Lion King- journeys to the African savanna where a future...
Over four decades after Charlton Heston told an ape to get its damn dirty paws off of him, 20th Century...
Plot: SWAMP THING follows Abby Arcane as she investigates what seems to be a deadly swamp-born virus in a small...
Funny, moving and beautifully shot Penguins is an absolute joy to behold for all the family.
Sleepy Hollow International Film Festival (SHIFF) is honored to announce the addition of Jeffrey Combsâ acclaimed, live one-man Edgar Allan...
Scary Stories, the highly anticipated documentary about Alvin Schwartz’ iconic Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark book series, will debut in...