Filmmakers Jeff Hall and Sean Bingham talk about their new demonic possession jaunt It Lives Inside, which premieres on DVD next week.
Q: Was there ever a time when the film wasn’t going to be done independently, with fresh faces, and a newcomer-director in charge? Can you imagine that version?
JH – That was never on the table. I would have loved to see a big budget and famous director, but we have zero contacts. This film is just two friends and a camera. Getting our feet wet, trying to make magical moments and learning from many mistakes. I can indeed imagine that version. Maybe one day, it will happen.
Q: Are there other benefits to doing a film independently, without studio involvement, other than getting to captain the ship?
SB-There are benefits but I would say most of them we could firmly place within the category of captain of your own ship. Jeff, would you agree?
JH – Yes…control It’s like having a child that someone else gets to raise. Not saying I’m the best “parent”, but the love and passion is there. Hopefully that’s enough.
Q: What films or filmmakers inspired this one?
JH – The Shining was definitely influential. One day I’d love to capture that insanity of that film. But there is the downward spiral aspect.
Q: Did you frame or shoot certain scenes as a homage to those films or filmmakers?
JH – Sean had the same picture that hung on a wall from the shot from the Shining. His father sent it to us for a nice addition. Also, the opening shot of Rett in the garden is my nod to Donnie Darko opening.
Q: Where did you find this sublime cast?
JH – Michelle De Long runs a superb acting school here in Oklahoma City. All props to her and Jessica Pierson!
Q: Did your leads have trouble with anything in the movie?
JH – Rett and Alissa immediately got what we were doing. They were the professionals that made this happen. Behind the camera Sean and I just trying to serve their performances. Even little Liam…he had no lines obviously, but look at this reactions. It’s not realistic. It’s real.
Q: What, would you say, is the message of the movie?
JH – We are influenced on many levels every second of every day. Good and bad. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’d say the message is to be guarded and stay strong.
Q: How have you been getting the word out about the movie?
SB – It Lives Inside was kept under wraps until it’s release by High Octane Pictures. They’ve been doing a great job getting the message out. We have mainly been telling folks in our social circles about the film.
Q: How will you be celebrating the release?
JH – We will be having a small gathering of friends and family. Nothing big.
Q: Can you tease us on what’s next for you?
SB – There are a few projects in the works. One in particular was slated to be shot before this film but we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to film It Lives Inside, since a prime location for filming opened up within a narrow window. That one is a science-fiction horror film about the dangers of building artificial intelligence computers using living animals. I’m just gonna leave that right there