Plot: A politician is extorted for money when her son goes into porn. Review: A female politician on the...
Plot: A secret agent spoofs his way through his latest assignment. Review: British secret service agent Charles Bind (Nicky...
Plot: A theater critic resorts to murder to keep his good standing at a prestigious newspaper in pre-World War II...
Plot: An exotic dancer and the man she’s having an affair with hit the road after stashing her abusive boyfriend’s...
Plot: Two aerobics studios compete against each other for supremacy. Review: Working girl Samantha (Cynthia Dale) has a full...
Plot: A few years after the events of the first movie, Moana and Maui must embark on a dangerous voyage...
Plot: An aging rocker who’s never “made it” is on the cusp of “making it” right at the point when...
Plot: A charming stuntman is waylaid in a backwoods town when he’s carjacked. Review: Handsome, happy-go-lucky stuntman Clay (Patrick...
Plot: A college student falls hard in love with a fellow student, who is having an affair with an older...
Plot: A pimp fights for his life when he’s framed by the mob. Review: Low level hood and pimp...