Plot: An escaped convict terrorizes a couple and their guest at a cottage that might be the hiding place for...
Plot: The sequel to 2019’s Joker sees Arthur Fleck on trial for his murders from the previous film, while Lee...
Plot: After their fathers are forced to work in a labor camp, four young children embark on a quest to...
Plot: A werewolf addicted to cocaine goes on a rampage. Review: Somewhere in the woodsy areas of Pennsylvania, a drug...
Plot: Creepy dolls buried in a kid’s backyard for 100 years come back to life and wreak havoc. Review:...
Plot: A man has an accident and ends up in purgatory where he joins the resistance against a soul-collecting monster....
Plot: In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, Santa is the last man standing against the ultimate warlord. Review: A thousand years after...
Plot: A family living in isolation in the woods are plagued by a monster … who is one of them....
Plot: Mutant ants terrorize the Florida Everglades. Review: Toxic waste canisters are dumped en masse into the ocean off...
Plot: A blessed man inadvertently curses himself when he realizes his wife is a witch. Review: A university professor...