Plot: Life around a Chinese brothel, told in several stories. Review: A brothel in Shanghai seems to be the...
Plot: Three cheerleading teams are kidnapped by a terrorist faction and must figure out how to survive … and escape....
Plot: A story told through puppetry about a man who realizes there’s a plot against humanity … and he’s become...
Plot: A young, attractive ex-prostitute is hired by an affluent Southern family to be cook, maid, and caretaker of everyone...
Plot: An American orphan boy is adopted by his Scottish relatives and grows up alongside a dragon. Review: American...
Plot: An orphaned teen girl is placed in an orphanage run by a pair of very evil caretakers. Review:...
Plot: A nerdy custodian is transformed into a hideous slimeball hero. Review: Tromaville resembles a dystopian trash heap with...
Plot: Mercenaries take a mission that changes their worldview … and they switch sides. Review: A washed up mercenary named...
Plot: A champion Greek boxer is sent to Auschwitz during World War II. Review: In Greece, Salamo Arouch (Willem...
Plot: A Scottish commando is assigned an impossible mission in World War II. Review: Scottish Colonel Charley MacPherson (Jack...