Plot: A grad student has his final project due, and on the night before he stumbles onto a possible murder...
Plot: A family rents a home for the summer and the home takes a great deal from the family, as...
Plot: Four young friends bound by a tragic accident are reunited when they find themselves being stalked by a hook-wielding...
Plot: A wealthy playboy moonlights as a major investor in bank robberies and high-stakes theft. Review: Several million dollars...
Plot: An old mine is reopened, and an ancient creature within in awakened. Review: After a number of “accidents”...
Plot: A lowly banker’s life drastically changes when he has a chance encounter with a prostitute, whom he falls in...
Plot: A scientist experiments a volatile invisibility serum on himself, causing him to become a dangerous, out-of-control psychopath. Review:...
Plot: Fascist Italy is plagued with mafia violence, and an “iron prefect” comes in and wages a one-man war against...
Plot: Years after he kills a child’s mother in a home robbery, the killer discovers that the child has grown...
Plot: A woman poses as a man in the Old West, thriving to a point, until her secret is found...