Plot: A 17th century high judge becomes infatuated with a suspected witch. Review: Guilty by association, an attractive young...
Plot: While on a wintry vacation, two parents scramble when their young son disappears in the snow and only has...
Plot: A crew of Russian submariners shore up on a New England coastal town, causing chaos. Review: It’s an...
Plot: A war photographer becomes the target of a top-secret gang of women when he finds out about a stash...
Plot: A shaman-for-hire who doesn’t really believe in his himself or his abilities comes face to face with the challenge...
Target for Seduction Plot: A woman’s fantasies turn deadly when her stalker turns up the heat to a maximum threat...
Review by Greg Espinoza Plot: In the far-flung future, death is eliminated by a method that can extract the human...
Plot: A documentary film crew drifting down the Amazon is besieged by a giant anaconda snake and an untrustworthy man...
Plot: A hooded killer pursues a woman through an abandoned countryside. Review: A young woman (played by Stephanie Delorme)...
Plot: A stash of drugs comes into the possession of some friends camping, leading to an odyssey of crime and...