Plot: An EMT becomes a superhero and a mentor to three teens who somehow figure into her purpose. Review:...
Plot: A high school athlete raised by his aunt deals with covering for her after she is revealed to be...
Plot: A corrupt businessman wants to put the local video arcade out of business. Review: River City’s hopping video...
Plot: Two thugs aimlessly travel around France, getting into all sorts of mischief. Review: Jean-Claude (Gerard Depardieu) and Pierrot...
Plot: A young woman is found dead and her husband, his wife’s lover, and a cop all team up to...
Plot: An artificial man seeks his creator before it self-destructs. Review: A genius named Dr. Vaslovik (Lew Ayres) disappears...
Plot: A grad student’s thesis on a forgotten female astronomer plunges her into a real-life parallel that mirrors her subject....
Plot: Two lesbians embark on a road trip, not realizing there’s a secret case in the trunk that going to...
Plot: A fashion shoot in Sri Lanka goes horribly wrong when a giant alligator starts eating people. Review: A small...
Plot: A Japanese action star’s latest film is besieged with cutthroat Yakuza killers … but for him, it’s no problem...