Freestyle Digital Media, the digital film distribution division of Byron Allen’s Allen Media Group, has acquired global VOD rights to the...
Plot: Discover a life both known and unknown in this boldly imaginative film from Director Andrew Dominik that explores the...
“Manasanamaha” (Salutations to the Mind), the most award winning short in the world, is officially recognised by the Guinness Book...
This is Laurie Strode’s last stand. After 45 years, the most acclaimed, revered horror franchise in film history reaches its...
Flying cars have long been a vision of the future. One man has made it his life’s work to make...
$3,500-Budget Award-Winning Action-Comedy Sets Digital Debut for North American VOD Platforms on September 13, 2022 Freestyle Digital Media, the digital...
Today we get our first official look at Christopher Nolan’s latest picture Oppenheimer; I didn’t know it was going to...
Plot: After his disability check is withheld by Veterans Affairs, veteran Brian Brown-Easley finds himself on the brink of homelessness....
Freestyle Digital Media, the digital film distribution division of Byron Allen’s Allen Media Group, has acquired North American VOD rights to the Philippines-based military-themed thriller THE EXPAT,...
Reign Edwards (Amazon Original âThe Wildsâ) and Charlie Gillespie (Netflixâs âJulie and the Phantomsâ) Star in Coming-of-Age Drama Set for...