Plot: A troubled security guard begins working at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. While spending his first night on the job, he...
 Source: Duke Speech Rocky Balboa Sylvester Stallone is one of Hollywood’s biggest names, with several decades of career. He...
Plot: A stubborn, unwelcome journalist’s late-night visit to the home of a haunted musician reveals dark secrets and whets deadly...
Plot: In THE HEADMISTRESS, a debt-ridden teacher gets a lucky break when she inherits an abandoned lakefront inn, but when...
Plot: In this glossy neo-noir caper, expert grifter Jake Vig (Edward Burns) inadvertently crosses volatile crime boss the King (Dustin...
Director GB Hajim’s ode to Resilience through trauma and imagination, MERMAID’S LAMENT will screen at the Dances With Films film...
On digital platforms June 9 from Global Digital Releasing, the highly-anticipated documentary PLAYING WITH FIRE : JEANNETTE SORRELL and the...
In Insidious: The Red Door, the horror franchise’s original cast returns for the final chapter of the Lambert family’s terrifying...
The indie horror-thriller THE HEADMISTRESS hits VOD streaming platforms today. Produced by Three Tortured Minds and Dusty Horse Productions and...
Horror is a funny genre. Not funny, ha-ha, but funny in terms of the type of horror that is popular....