Plot: A few years after the events of the first movie, Moana and Maui must embark on a dangerous voyage...
JoinedNovember 16, 2018
I enjoy films and books and pretty much everything that tells a good story. Sometimes I like writing about them too.
Present-day partnering sites and apps serve the wide array of people & interests. No matter whether you prefer the simple...
Plot: Accidentally tapping into the Quantum Realm, Ant-Man and his team explore the mysteries of this strange new world, and...
Plot: After finally finding her Prince Charming Robert in New York City, Giselle settles into a new suburban life to...
Plot: After twenty-nine peaceful years since the 17th-century Sanderson sisters were resurrected, they are back with a vengeance. With their...
Plot: After finally settling into their roles as Riley’s emotions, Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Anger, and Fear face a new obstacle: puberty....
Plot: In Element City – a central hub of people made of fire, water, land, and air – a fiery...
Plot: A group of explorers must venture deep into uncharted land in order to save their home. Review: Having not...
Plot: A reimagined twist on Shakespeare’s tragic love story, this film is told from the perspective of Juliet’s cousin Rosaline,...
Plot: A live-action retelling of a classic tale, Pinocchio tells the story of a lonely woodcarver named Geppetto (Tom Hanks),...