Sanctified (2022) MVD Visual Blu-ray Review



I enjoyed its emotional core, and it tells a simple story of redemption, and while it should satisfy most fans of westerns, a little more grit, style, and characterization might’ve helped this one stand out about the pack.


An outlaw gunslinger finds redemption through the aide of a nun.



A band of ruthless outlaws making their way through North Dakota have just made out with a significant amount of money, and the leader – a cutthroat brigand named Shaw (Andrew E. Wheeler) – is insistent that the gang keep doing what they do until either their luck runs out or they all grow too old to keep running from the law. Two members of the gang – Weston (Daniel Bielinski) and his younger brother Emmett (Carl Swanson) – are feeling the strain that life as outlaws puts on a man, and Weston decides to quit the gang and go to California to start a quiet life, but he tries robbing Shaw for seed money, which is a big mistake. Stabbed, hung, and left for dead, Weston survives and is saved by a lone nun named Hildegard (Tiffany Cornwell) who is doing her best to survive the harsh conditions of the road and happens to have crossed paths with Weston already, which didn’t go so well. Taking pity on him, she takes him with her in her wagon, which is both a blessing and a curse as it helps her get out of scrapes with ne’er do wells on the road, but it also puts her in Shaw’s crosshairs when he realizes that Weston is still alive and travelling with a nun. When Shaw and his gang catch up to them, they take Hildegard captive, leaving Weston to seek revenge against his father figure, who will have no mercy when he comes to take Hildegard back from his clutches.


Well shot and directed for an indie western, Sanctified from director Nickolaus Swedlund hits all the right marks, but lacks style and distinction. I enjoyed its emotional core, and it tells a simple story of redemption, and while it should satisfy most fans of westerns, a little more grit, style, and characterization might’ve helped this one stand out about the pack. Shot on location in North Dakota, it has a lovely texture, but if you’re looking for something that hits hard and leaves you breathless, maybe you’ll find that somewhere else.


MVD Visual’s Blu-ray of Sanctified is handsome with a cast and crew commentary, a making-of feature, stills, and the trailer. A DVD is also available.