Repligator (1998) Visual Vengeance Blu-ray Review



Filmmaker Bret McCormick just sort of threw spaghetti against the wall to see what would stick, but most of these sloppy ingredients just slide slowly to the floor. I’m all for boobs, and this movie has a bunch of ’em, but that’s just not enough to sustain a movie, even one as dumb and goofy as this one.


The government creates a machine that transforms the sex of male soldiers to female, and then if the female soldier gets aroused, she turns into an alligator!



A team of scientists create a machine that doesn’t quite go off the way they hope it would … Instead of creating super soldiers, the machine transforms the sex of the male soldiers into bodacious babes! They also create x-ray glasses, which obviously leaves little to the imagination, so I’m not quite sure what these scientists are all about. Anyway, the machine that turns everyone into transsexuals has a side effect: If the babes that come out of are overly turned on, they transform into alligator women! So the machine – the “Repligator,” as it were – maybe works too well, because the alligator babes are tough! But before they get tough, the babes have to get extremely horny, leading to all sorts of shenanigans on the base where they’re all stationed. Tops come off, the fat, dopey scientists get laid, but the place is eventually swarmed by alligator babes!


With the plot of a lame porno flick shot on the fly, Repligator is a piss-poor T&A comedy with rubber masks, lots and lots of boobs, really crummy early-era CGI (the doctors use ray guns to zap away the alligator babes), a talking zombie, and horror favorite Gunnar Hansen (the original Leatherface) in a goofy cameo role. I dunno, guys. There might’ve been an audience for this in 1983, but nowadays most horny guys use their phones to access free porn, so where does that leave us with this movie? I honestly have no idea. It’s not funny, though it kinda tries to be, and it has the ambition of a Donald G. Jackson-type movie in the days when he made Hell Comes to Frogtown, but filmmaker Bret McCormick just sort of threw spaghetti against the wall to see what would stick, but most of these sloppy ingredients just slide slowly to the floor. I’m all for boobs, and this movie has a bunch of ’em, but that’s just not enough to sustain a movie, even one as dumb and goofy as this one.


Visual Vengeance, a new video line from Wild Eye Releasing, has been going way out of its way to release really “bad” under-the-radar genre films, and I applaud them for putting the spotlight on some neglected cult films, but Repligator is just a really crummy movie overall, so it’s tough to give the company points for resurrecting it from obscurity. They’ve loaded the disc with a ton of special features, so whatever audience this movie might have will be delighted to have way more than their share of extra content. I kept switching the audio track to the two commentaries off and on because the movie was so boring, but honestly even the commentaries weren’t especially essential or interesting. Sorry, guys. Bad news all around.


Bonus Materials

  • Region Free Blu-ray
  • New, director supervised SD master from original master tapes
  • Limited Edition Slipcase – FIRST PRESSING ONLY
  • Commentary with director Bret McCormick and Glen Coburn
  • Commentary with Sam Panico of B&S About Movies and Bill Van Ryn of Drive-In Asylum
  • Archival Making Of Featurette
  • Archival Bret McCormick Interview (2013)
  • Original Deleted Opening Scene
  • Director Bret McCormick Interview (2022)
  • Producer Wynn Winberg Interview (2022)
  • Actress Brinke Stevens Interview (2022)
  • Actor Carl Merritt Interview (2022)
  • Actor Randy Clower Interview (2022)
  • Original VHS Trailer
  • Visual Vengeance Trailers
  • One pair of branded ‘X-Ray Specs’
  • Folded mini-poster
  • ‘Stick your own’ VHS sticker sheet
  • Reversible Sleeve With Original VHS Art
  • 2-Sided Insert
  • Optional English Subtitles