Inspired by the 1985 true story of a drug runner’s plane crash, missing cocaine, and the black bear that ate...
SYNOPSIS: Need a long beach vacation with your besties right now? Then come laugh, love, and lavish in One Year...
1923 is an upcoming American Western drama television series that is set to premiere on December 18, 2022 on Paramount+....
Plot: Discover a life both known and unknown in this boldly imaginative film from Director Andrew Dominik that explores the...
Plot: After his disability check is withheld by Veterans Affairs, veteran Brian Brown-Easley finds himself on the brink of homelessness....
From Nintendo and Illumination comes a new animated film based on the world of Super Mario Bros. Directed by Aaron...
Plot: Babylon is an original epic set in 1920s Los Angeles. A tale of outsized ambition and outrageous excess, it...
This is Laurie Strode’s last stand. After 45 years, the most acclaimed, revered horror franchise in film history reaches its...
Today we get our first official look at Christopher Nolan’s latest picture Oppenheimer; I didn’t know it was going to...
This is Laurie Strode’s last stand. After 45 years, the most acclaimed, revered horror franchise in film history reaches its...