Written and directed by Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer is an IMAX®-shot epic thriller that thrusts audiences into the pulse-pounding paradox of...
Red Blazer Productions, in association with Executive Producer Lucas A. Ferrara, is delighted to share the news that Comedy Drama...
In Insidious: The Red Door, the horror franchise’s original cast returns for the final chapter of the Lambert family’s terrifying...
Today we finally get a full trailer for Ahsoka starring Rosario Dawson and we get our first brief glimpse of...
ASTEROID CITY takes place in a fictional American desert town circa 1955. Synopsis: The itinerary of a Junior Stargazer/Space Cadet...
Sapiosexual… follows Three people as they gather for an “uncoupling celebration” arranged by the aging narcissist Liam. Both Hannah and...
SAG Nominee Audrey Grace Marshall (“The Flight Attendant”) headlines Cory Choy’s supernatural thriller Esme, My Love which has been scheduled...
Based on a single chilling chapter from Bram Stokerâs classic novel Dracula, The Last Voyage of the Demeter tells the...
Harrison Ford returns as the legendary hero archaeologist in the highly anticipated fifth installment of the iconic “Indiana Jones” franchise,...
Cinedigm have released a new trailer for Mickey Reece’s acclaimed country music comedy COUNTRY GOLD ahead of a series of...