Plot: Rachel and William are new to town and get invited to a games night by some neighbors. It’s all...
I have never been to summer camp. Nor did I ever want to be. The thought of being forced to...
is passenger is a young, cunning serial killer. With a screenplay penned by Evan M. Wiener, the film stars Jacob...
Plot: The overnight stock crew of a local supermarket find themselves being stalked and slashed by a mysterious maniac. I’d...
Based on the extraordinary character at the center of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl’s most iconic children’s book...
Today we have the official one-sheet and some new stills for the forthcoming slasher comedy New Fears Eve from PJ...
Vertical has acquired North America, UK/Ireland, and Australian/New Zealand rights to the tension-packed drama/thriller Cold Copy, written and directed by...
From celebrated writer and director Christopher Nolan comes the must-see cinematic masterpiece about the man and the moment that changed...
Academy Award Winning film-composer Joe Renzetti has joined the production of Blood Moon Picture’s slasher comedy New Fears Eve. Joe...
Production on the forthcoming holiday slasher New Fears Eve is nearly complete. It features Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp, Terrifier 2),...