Bring Her to Me (2023) Full Moon Blu-ray Review



The movie runs only 56 minutes long, and if they’d padded out the time a little more (even 10 or 15 minutes would’ve been great), this could’ve really been something special. The makeup effects and horror elements are pretty solid as well, which is why it’s a bit of a shame that the film only feels partly completed. It’s sexy, scary enough, and weird in a good way, but it’s just too short to get a full recommendation from me.


A woman is stalked by a demon in her sleep … and his minions in her waking life.



Mara (Bec Doyle, very attractive) seems to spend her days walking around in a daze. The film doesn’t provide her with an occupation, but she frequents the same coffee place and is always served by the same barista, a guy named Raz (Kalond Irlanda) who is the true friend in that he’s always there to listen to Mara’s problems, but never once has come on to her in any way, making her feel safe. Lately, Mara has been having the same nightmare of a demon (Emerson Niemchick) who lusts after her and stalks her, and when she’s awake, Mara still feels his icky presence all around her. Raz offers to bring a dream specialist over to her home to help her work it all out, and when he shows up at her apartment with a kindly old lady named Abigail (Roslyn Gentle), Mara is put at ease when Abigail shows enthusiasm and expertise in dreams and nightmares. With Raz as a spectator, Mara dresses herself down to fall asleep with Abigail monitoring her progress, and right away Mara drifts off, only to be in both a deep dream state and a twilight haze where she sees startling visions of both Raz and Abigail as ghoulish versions of themselves, as well as plunging into the nightmarish kingdom of the demon, who is waiting to ravish her. Waking up after such a shocking series of encounters, Mara goes through this process several more times with Raz and Abigail, who reveal themselves to be malevolent beings, intent on offering her to their lord, the demon. When Mara finally realizes what she’s up against, she’ll have a surprise of her own to reveal … and it won’t be pretty.


Bring Her to Me comes very close to being what I would consider a solid film with excellent camerawork, stylish direction by Brooks Davis, and competent leads, especially sexy Doyle who is required to spend a lot of the time in her undies or in the nude (no complaints there whatsoever). What is lacking here, though, is some simple padding that could’ve made the movie even better: A bit more character highlighting, a few more characters that would make it seem like these people exist in the real world, and a little more of a struggle to hang your hat on. The movie runs only 56 minutes long, and if they’d padded out the time a little more (even 10 or 15 minutes would’ve been great), this could’ve really been something special. The makeup effects and horror elements are pretty solid as well, which is why it’s a bit of a shame that the film only feels partly completed. It’s sexy, scary enough, and weird in a good way, but it’s just too short to get a full recommendation from me.


Full Moon’s new Blu-ray release of Bring Her to Me looks and sounds up to the highest standards that anyone could ask for, and it comes with a behind the scenes feature, a director’s commentary, the trailer, an isolated music score, and bonus trailers. If you can find this one for a decent price, it’s worth it, but I just lament that it’s basically a short film.