Plot: Retired sleuth Hercule Poirot (Kenneth Branagh) accepts a friend’s invitation to attend a séance in a haunted house, only...
JoinedMarch 16, 2018
From Beta to Blu-Ray, I've been a life-long movie watcher and fan. I'll give you an honest opinion and I don't get too caught up in the exterior nonsense that seems to fill the internet these days.
Plot: Two children find their father missing and a strange intruder in their house. Review: I haven’t watched Kyle Edward...
Plot: Con-men Henry Gondorff (Paul Newman) and Johnny Hooker (Robert Redford) enact an elaborate scheme on mob boss Doyle Lonnegan...
Plot: Tree (Jessica Rothe) finds herself re-living the same day over and over, albeit this time in a parallel universe....
Plot: Writer Mike Noonan (Pierce Brosnan) goes to his lake house to investigate his deceased wife’s activities but finds more...
I have never been to summer camp. Nor did I ever want to be. The thought of being forced to...
Plot: John Kramer (Tobin Bell) seeks revenge on those who promised him a miracle cure for his brain cancer. Review:...
Plot: Miles Morales finds himself traveling across multiverses as he tries to stop The Spot from destroying multiple worlds. Review:...
Plot: A shallow college girl (Jessica Rothe) begins to experience the same day repeatedly, dying before the day ends at...
Plot: A teacher (Toshio Kurosawa) suspects the principal (Shin Kishida) is a vampire after some female students start suffering afflictions....