Plot: After their fathers are forced to work in a labor camp, four young children embark on a quest to...
JoinedMarch 16, 2018
From Beta to Blu-Ray, I've been a life-long movie watcher and fan. I'll give you an honest opinion and I don't get too caught up in the exterior nonsense that seems to fill the internet these days.
Plot: Two villages help inhabitants of a neighbouring town hide from their tyrant master, leading to the tyrant taking over...
Plot: Two children of a slain samurai retake their father’s fortress with the help of a deity inhabiting a stone...
Let’s be honest: Phases 1, 2 & 3 of the MCU had their warts. Yes, you had Captain America: The...
Plot: Kellog’s executive Bob Cabana (Jerry Seinfeld) spins a yarn about how the Pop-Tart came to be invented. Review: In...
Plot: Eight astronauts man the Icarus II, a ship with a bomb meant to re-ignite the sun, which is dying....
Plot: A troubled woman (Florinda Bolkan) dreams her sexy, wild child neighbour (Anita Strindberg) is murdered, only to find out...
Plot: Special Agent Lee Harker (Maika Monroe) is tasked by her boss (Blair Underwood) to find an elusive serial killer...
In 2013, the movie Man of Steel was unleashed on the population and, with it, the beginning of the DC...
Plot: A twelve-year-old girl (Alyla Browne) finds and cares for an alien spider with a ferocious carnivorous appetite. Review: Creature...