Plot: A novice adventurer invests in a buffalo hunt, and discovers for himself the reality of such an endeavor. Review:...
JoinedMarch 16, 2018
Author of World Gone Wild: A Survivor's Guide to Post-Apocalyptic Movies and The Good, the Tough, and the Deadly: Action Movies and Stars.
Plot: A bystander ends up with a top-secret invisibility serum that two governments are searching for. Review: On the...
Plot: A struggling musician goes to Tokyo to try to make it as a rock star, and she finds love...
Plot: A mysterious traveler on the run from a malevolent entity is waylaid at a police station where he tells...
Plot: A Black Ops sniper goes after the rogue agent who betrayed him. Review: Much better than most movies of...
Plot: Two cops go after a drug lord in Chicago and consider retirement after a great vacation. Review: Partner detectives...
Plot: An aspiring rocker gets a job at a pencil eraser factory to prove that he can hold a job...
Plot: A talk show radio DJ goes on an unexpected odyssey of self-discovery. Review: After getting a sweet gig...
Plot: A top squad of female cops is vigorously trained and put to the test. Review: A top female cop...
Plot: Two young girls become possessed, and their parents will do anything to free them of their possession. Review:...