AIMEE: The Visitor (2023) Full Moon Blu-ray Review



Notable for “starring” the world’s first completely AI generated performer, AIMEE is a gimmicky little genre film that is right up co-writer and director Charles Band’s alley. It’s a very simple movie, set in one location, adding as much sex and nudity as possible in its swift 68-minute running time. I have to admit that this is the first time I’ve seen one of these AI / virtual reality movies that actually has a convincing looking AI character. AIMEE looks appropriately gorgeous while also looking entirely fake and sinister at the same time, but that’s the point.

A hacker gets mixed up with an AI software program that ends up controlling and destroying his life.

Keyes (Dallas Schaefer) is a hacker living a life of complete anonymity aside from his two friends Hunter and Gazelle (Felix Merback and Faith West) who share his off-the-grid life of hacking. They all live in an otherwise abandoned building, and one day two “men in black” type government spooks come in and install a secret program in their servers in the basement. From one day to the next, Keyes gets a greeting from a AI program called AIMEE, which presents itself in the visage of a beautiful redheaded woman that beckons Keyes to give her / it a try. AIMEE is able to regulate Keyes’ entire life and workload, acting as more than just a simple alarm clock, but a thing that caters to his every whim, including sexual satisfaction, simulations, and a worker bee that all but takes over Keyes’ life. When Keyes and Gazelle attempt to have a sexual relationship with each other for the first time, AIMEE sees Gazelle as a threat and sets its sights on eliminating her, as well as any extra baggage, like Hunter and Hunter’s little pet dog! By the time Keyes figures out that AIMEE is a lying, conniving evil entity intent on destroying his life, it will likely be too late.

Notable for “starring” the world’s first completely AI generated performer, AIMEE is a gimmicky little genre film that is right up co-writer and director Charles Band’s alley. It’s a very simple movie, set in one location, adding as much sex and nudity as possible in its swift 68-minute running time. I have to admit that this is the first time I’ve seen one of these AI / virtual reality movies that actually has a convincing looking AI character. AIMEE looks appropriately gorgeous while also looking entirely fake and sinister at the same time, but that’s the point. I recently saw another bigger budgeted film called Latency that might’ve had more resources, but it wasn’t as good as this little flick that could. It ends too quickly and might’ve benefitted from a little padding, but as it is, it’s not a half bad effort, and coming from Charles Band it’s a bit of a winner considering what he and his company have been producing (some real woofers!) over the last decade and a half.

Full Moon’s new Blu-ray of AIMEE: The Visitor is up to Full Moon’s generally high standards for their Blu-ray line, and it comes with bonus trailers. It’s strange that Band didn’t provide a commentary for this one, as it could’ve been an interesting listen.